Professional liability insurance for private practice.

Sep 12, 2024 by Bimba Shrestha

Starting your own private practice is an exciting step toward independence and personal fulfillment. However, it also comes with significant responsibilities, particularly when it comes to protecting yourself legally. One of the most important safeguards for therapists is professional liability insurance. In this article, we'll walk through what professional liability insurance is, why it's essential for your practice, and how to choose the right coverage.

What Is Professional Liability Insurance?

Professional liability insurance, sometimes known as malpractice insurance, protects licensed professionals from claims made by clients. Even if you provide the best care possible, misunderstandings or unfortunate outcomes can happen, leading to potential legal claims. This insurance protects you from the financial consequences of lawsuits and covers legal costs, settlements, and damages.

Think of it as a safety net—one that allows you to focus on delivering quality care without the constant worry of a legal threat hanging over your practice.

What Does It Cover?

Professional liability insurance generally covers claims related to:

  • Negligence: If a client feels that you provided inadequate care or made an error in your treatment that caused harm.
  • Emotional Distress: Clients may claim that your actions caused them emotional harm, even unintentionally.
  • HIPAA Violations: This is a critical area for therapists. If confidential client information is accidentally disclosed or mishandled, you could face fines and lawsuits for violating HIPAA regulations.
  • Strict Liability: If the harm occurs as a result of your advice or therapy, even if no error was made, you may still face liability claims.

Why You Need Professional Liability Insurance

As an employed therapist, your employer’s insurance likely covers you. But when you open your own private practice, that coverage ends, and you'll need to secure your own protection.

Without professional liability insurance, any legal claims could potentially wipe out your savings and threaten your business. Even though the likelihood of being sued is low, it's always better to be safe than sorry. The peace of mind that comes with knowing you're covered can free you to focus on your clients and your practice.

Protecting Yourself From HIPAA Violations

HIPAA violations are a major concern in the therapy field. Whether it's due to a data breach or an accidental disclosure of client information, these violations can lead to hefty fines and legal consequences. Professional liability insurance can cover these kinds of incidents, ensuring that a simple mistake doesn't lead to financial disaster for your practice.

How to Choose the Right Insurance Coverage

Choosing the right professional liability insurance can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you select the right policy:

Compare Providers

Not all professional liability insurance policies are the same. It’s essential to research and compare different insurance providers to find the best coverage for your needs. While most policies are similar in what they offer, they can differ in coverage limits, exclusions, and costs.

Start by looking at insurance providers that specialize in therapy or healthcare fields. These companies will have a deeper understanding of the specific risks associated with your practice.

Coverage Amounts

How much coverage do you need? For most therapy practices, a minimum of $1 million per claim and $3 million in aggregate coverage per year is recommended. This level of protection covers most common claims and ensures you're protected without overpaying for unnecessary coverage.

However, if your practice involves higher-risk services, like certain types of physical therapy or group therapy, you might want to opt for higher coverage limits.

Call for Clarification

Even if you can apply online, it’s a good idea to speak directly with an insurance representative before purchasing your policy. By calling, you can ensure that your policy covers specific concerns, such as HIPAA violations or the addition of future employees. Also, ask about pricing changes as your practice grows. Will your premiums increase if you hire contractors or expand your space? Different companies handle these situations differently, and it's important to know what to expect.

Watch for Premium Differences

The cost of professional liability insurance can vary significantly between providers. If one company's premiums seem too high, don't hesitate to get quotes from other providers. The most expensive option isn’t always the best, and you can often find a good deal if you shop around.

Getting Insured: What to Expect

Once you’ve decided on an insurance provider and coverage amount, the application process is usually quick and simple. You’ll likely receive coverage immediately after applying and submitting payment. Make sure to keep a copy of your policy in your records and set a reminder to renew it annually.

If you’re planning to bill insurance companies as part of your practice, it’s important to note that some payer sources require proof of professional liability insurance before you can start billing them. Make sure to have your policy in place early to avoid any delays in getting reimbursed for your services.


Professional liability insurance is a non-negotiable part of starting your own therapy private practice. It protects you from the financial risks of legal claims, helps you comply with payer source requirements, and gives you peace of mind as you work with your clients.

Take the time to research providers, compare coverage options, and find a policy that fits your needs. By securing professional liability insurance, you can focus on what truly matters—providing excellent care to your clients and building a successful private practice.