$29/clinician per month.

We only have one pricing plan and it includes all of our features. Other than standard credit card processing fees for client transactions, the price above is all you'll pay. Everything you need for one flat fee.

Start free trial
HIPAA compliant
30 day free trial
No card required

Here is everything you get.

We don't like unnecessary complexity. You get every feature we have. Simple as that.

Unlimited clients
Add as many clients as you want at no additional cost.
Unlimited non-clinical staff
Add as many non-clinical users as you need at no additional cost.
Paperless intakes
Send intake forms to clients to fill out before their first appointment.
Appointment reminders
Send clients reminders about upcoming appointments.
Online appointment requests
Clients can request appointments online.
Offer telehealth appointments via integrations.
Calendar sync
Sync your calendar with Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, and more.
Advanced calendar filters
Filter your calendar by clinician, location, and more.
Calendar color-coding
Color-code your calendar for easy organization.
Group appointments
Schedule appointments with multiple clients at once.
Progress notes
Take notes on client progress.
Psychotherapy notes
Take notes on psychotherapy sessions.
Load previous notes
Load previous notes for easy reference.
ICD-10 code autocomplete
Autocomplete ICD-10 codes for easy billing.
Template library
Use pre-made templates for notes.
Diagnosis and treatment plans
Create diagnosis and treatment plans.
Electronic signatures
Sign and lock your notes directly in your EHR.
Good Faith Estimates
Create Good Faith Estimates for clients.
Customizable notes and assessments
Create custom notes and assessments.
Custom treatment plans
Create custom treatment plans.
Administrative notes
Take notes on administrative tasks.
Smart notes editor
Cut documentation time in half or more with our smart note editor.
Bulk documentation
Take notes for multiple clients at the same time with bulk documentation.
Integrated online payments
Accept online payments from clients.
Store and process credit cards
Store and process credit card information securely.
Generate superbills
Create superbills for clients.
Automatic payments
Set up automatic payments for clients.
Automated invoicing
Automatically send invoices to clients.
HIPAA compliant
Comply with HIPAA standards for patient privacy.
Live customer support
Get help from our support team when you need it.
Mobile support
Access Practicepicnic on the go with our mobile friendly web app.
Client and data import
Import clients and data from other systems.
Free document storage
Store documents securely in Practicepicnic.
Admin calendar
View appointments and availability for all clinicians.
Roles-based permissions
Control access to features with roles-based permissions.
Add clinicians
Add additional clinicians to your account.
Add a practice manager
Add a practice manager to your account.

Ready to get started?

Start your free 30 day trial today. No credit card required. Cancel anytime. No questions asked.

Start free trial

What people are saying.

"This is so much more user friendly than my previous EHR."
"You have no idea how much time I'm going to save on my notes."
"I appreciate your commitment to not price gouge customers."
"I can't wait to tell my colleagues about this."

Frequently asked questions.

What kind of private practice is Practicepicnic for?

Practicepicnic is great for mental health professionals, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists and other health and wellness professionals. We support both solo and group practices.

Is Practicepicnic HIPAA compliant?

Yes, we are compliant with HIPAA's security and privacy policies. When you sign up for Practicepicnic, you will agree to our Business Associate Agreement.

Do you support insurance?

We generate superbills for clients which they can use to get reimbursed by their insurance company. We currently do not support electronic insurance claim submission, but we are working on it.

Do you support telehealth?

We integrate with Zoom, Google Meet and Doxy.me to support telehealth. You can set up Practicepicnic to send your video call link in email and text reminders. We don't have our own telehealth yet but we are working on it.

What if I have more questions?

Email us at support@practicepicnic.com. We respond very quickly.