About practicepicnic.

At Practicepicnic, we're on a mission to help health and wellness professionals thrive in private practice. We build tools to help small, independent practices succeed in a world where big companies are taking over.

Our mission: helping health and wellness professionals thrive in private practice.

We believe small, independent practices provide the best care to clients. But unfortunately, today's world is making it harder and harder for these practices to survive. We're here to help. Like our customers, we're underdogs. And we believe underdogs can win against giants with the right tools.

Our vision: a world where practitioners can make a difference without sacrificing their own well being.

We know you got into your profession because you wanted to help people. But we also know that you're likely burnt out, overwheleved, and underpaid. You know for a fact that you'd be able to help people more if you had your own private practice. We believe we can help create a world where starting a private practice is easy and accessible.

Our values.

These values define who we are and what we stand for.

Keep things simple.

Think hard about how to make things simple. Iterate to eliminate complexity.

Good over perfect.

A good finished product beats an unfinished perfect one every single time.

Think long-term.

Be willing to tolerate short-term pain in order to achieve long-term gains.

Care about the how.

The destination is important but so is the journey. Keep both in mind at all times.

Be ethical.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Take time to think about ethics.

Communicate clearly.

Use clear language when communicating and always keep your audience in mind.

Be fair.

Create a good product and sell it for a fair and honest price. No price gouging.

Give back.

We all stand on the shoulders of giants. Become a shoulder for someone else to stand on.

Our charity pledge: we'll donate 10% of all company profits to charity.

We recognize that Practicepicnic can use part of our profits to do a significant amount of good in the world. We pledge that we shall give at least 10% of net profits to organizations that are doing good in the world, now and in the years to come.

What people say about our product.

"This is so much more user friendly than my previous EHR."
"You have no idea how much time I'm going to save on my notes."
"I appreciate your commitment to not price gouge customers."
"I can't wait to tell my colleagues about this."