Friendly folks ready to help.

We're here to answer your questions when you need it and how you need it. Free email and phone support included in your Practicepicnic subscription.

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HIPAA compliant
30 day free trial
Free support

Unlimited email support.

Ask us as many questions as you want over email. Friendly support staff ready to help you solve your issue included with your Practicepicnic subscription. No additional charge.

  • We respond to emails within an hour during the weekdays.
  • We respond to emails within 6 hours during the weekends.
  • Support staff who know the product inside and out.

Unlimited phone support.

We love talking to our users. If you've got a question that can't be resolved over email or just prefer talking over typing, we're here to help. Phone support included with subscription at no additional charge.

  • Our phone support hours are 9am-5pm eastern time weekdays.
  • Email support available over the weekends.
  • Support staff who know the product inside and out.

One-on-one video chats.

For complex support issues that can't be easily resolved over email or phone, you can schedule a live video chat with one of our highly trained support staff at no additional charge.

  • Email us to schedule a free Zoom support session.
  • Share your screen with us to show us the exact issue.
  • Support staff who know the product inside and out.

Free data export from other EHRs.

We know how hard it is to switch your EHR. That's why we offer free data export services from other EHRs and practice management software. Email us to learn more about your specific needs.

  • For most switches, just upload an excel file and we do the rest.
  • Customized data transfer options for all major EHRs.
  • Data transfer is completely free even during the trial.

Frequently asked questions.

What happens when I leave Practicepicnic?

When you decide to cancel your Practicepicnic account, you will be prompted to export all your client data. Once your account is canceled, your data and PHI is deleted to ensure data security.

Do you offer phone support?

Yes we do. Our hours are 9am-5pm eastern time Mon-Fri. We don't like putting our users on hold.

Can I export data from Practicepicnic?

Yes, you can export all your data from Practicepicnic if you want to keep it for your records or want to transfer away to another software in the future.

Does support cost extra?

No. Email, phone and live video chat support are all included in your Practicepicnic subscription at no additional cost.

What if I have more questions?

Email us at We respond very quickly.